Learn about employees and employers features on Stuward
Stuward guides employees in preventing physical and mental health diseases, and promotes their health and performance. Stuward’s intelligent algorithms organize complex and multiple data, delivering information into simplified graphics and a user-friendly dashboard.
- Personal, private, and secure health and well-being portal
- Ability to store sensitive medical records securely in one place
- Easy scheduling for appointments, teleconsultations, and check-ups
- Easy scheduling for face-to-face and online well-being activities
Mental Health
- Evaluation of psychological skills and symptoms of mental illness
- Individual dashboard with access to reports regarding one’s psychological skills and mental health screening
- Detection of areas of concern on mental health
- Personalized Insights and recommendations to exercise psychological skills and improve mental health
Physical Health
- Physical health dashboard with individual’s health metrics based on multiple data sources
- Detection of areas of concern
- Personalised insights and recommendations based on the individual’s health metrics
Physical and Mental Health
- Understanding the workforce’s global physical and mental health based on aggregated data
- Comparison between the organization’s global state of health and recommended populational health metrics
- Detection of areas of concern
Intelligent Actions
- Integration of the company health providers
- Ability to send reminders to employers for check-ups or occupational health activities
- Management of well-being activities offered by the company
- Recommendations of activities or health programs to employees based on workforce’s state of health and engagement in well-being activities
Analytics & Insights
- Automated reports with aggregated view of the overall workforce’s physical and mental health metrics
- Automated interpretation of aggregated workforce’s metrics, delivering meaningful insights for decision making
Contributing actively towards employees' physical and mental health turns the organization into a better place to work, with more productive, loyal and happier people.
Stuward turns health management and promotion into a simple, dynamic and enjoyable exercise.